DCPS Special Education Family Guide

Who do I contact?
Current student: Contact the special education point of contact or principal at your school.
Former student: Former student records requests should be submitted through the records request portal.
A system-generated message email notification will be sent with a reference number for tracking purposes. It is important to read the emails carefully because they contain additional information that may be required to process requests.
If you have any questions regarding record request, please contact StudentRecordsRequest@k12.dc.gov.

Do I need to sign an approval form?
Yes, you must fill out this approval form: https://dcps.dc.gov/sites/default/files/dc/sites/dcps/service_content/attachments/DCPS-Authorization-to-Release-Records.pdf
Requests not accompanied by a completed authorization release form cannot be fulfilled.

Who can make the request?
Current or former DCPS student or parent/guardian

What kinds of documents can I request?
Use this process to request special education documents (IEPs, eligibility determinations, evaluations, etc.).​
Other documents you may need, like transcripts and diplomas, can be requested by following the instructions here: Request Transcripts and Diplomas | dcps