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Related Services

Related Services are other supports that assist a child with a disability to benefit from special education. The IEP team will review the need for Related Services at every eligibility determination meeting and annual IEP meeting.


Types of Related Services







Educational Audiology

Educational Audiology focuses on the hearing, listening, and auditory processing challenges. The challenges may affect a student’s academic, communication, and/or social skills.

 Behavioral Support Services

The Behavioral Support Services team consists of DCPS social workers who work with students on issues they face at school, at home, and in the community, affecting their ability to participate and benefit from their education.

Occupational Therapy



Occupational therapists (OT) identify and support children with specific deficits or delays in motor skills and self-regulation. OTs collaborate with school team members to help students improve their independence in school by providing:

  • Direct and indirect intervention

  • Recommendations for accommodations and modifications

  • Consultation with IEP team members to promote students’ independence in school.

Orientation and Mobility



 Orientation and Mobility Specialists (O&M) teaches students who are blind and visually impaired specific skills they need to know  regarding where they are and how to move independently, safely, and efficiently.

Physical therapists (PT) help individuals maintain, restore, and improve movement, activity, and functioning, enabling optimal performance and enhancing health, well-being, and quality of life. The physical therapist performs therapeutic interventions like:

  • Remediation

  • Prevention strategies

  • Adaptations

  • Focusing on functional mobility and safely

  • Efficient access to and participation in activities

  • Routines in natural learning environments








The psychologist supports students and educators by:

  • Providing psychological and developmental tests

  • Analyzing information about a child’s behavior and cognitive functioning

  • Interpreting these results with school staff and parents.

Speech-Language Pathology



Speech-language Pathologists (SLP) identify and support children with specific disorders and delays in oral language and communication. SLPs use current intervention techniques and strategies in collaboration with other interdisciplinary team members to help students improve their communication skills.

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