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Transition Programs

Secondary Transition is the process used to plan and prepare students for life after high school. It includes using information about your student’s interests and needs to help them build skills to reach their goals.  


Students and their IEP team must decide if a standard high school diploma or a high school achievement certificate (HSAC) is right for them. The decision must be made during the IEP meeting held when the student enters the ninth grade or is 14 years old. The diploma pathway may be changed at any time to match the student’s progress. If the student is 20 years old or younger and five credits away from completing a standard high school diploma, a high school achievement certificate is not an option. The IEP team must make every effort to provide students the chance to earn a DCPS standard high school diploma.  

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Internship Programs

Competitive Employment Opportunities (CEO)

Grade: 11th/12th

Graduation pathway: Diploma


CEO matches each student with a mentor who works in a career field that the student is interested in. Students and mentors meet twice per month from January to May. Students develop a "Career-Focused Project” with their mentor. Students also participate in group training sessions that will help them learn how to succeed in a workplace setting. In the summer, each student will participate in an 80-hour internship at their mentor's place of employment. 

General Explorations (GE) Workforce Initiative

Grade: 11th/12th or C3/C4

Graduation pathway: HSAC or diploma


General Education (GE) allows students who have a transition class on their school schedule to intern in the school building or community. 

Workforce Development Programs

Project SEARCH Capital Area Region

Grade: C4 and up at the time of application

Graduation pathway: HSAC


Project SEARCH Capital Area Region (PSCAR) is a program that lasts for one year. It is designed for DCPS students aged 18 to 21 with intellectual and developmental disabilities. This program is for students who want to become employed in a customer service field. Every school day, PSCAR students go to their program site, and receive 1 hour of job readiness instruction from a DCPS Special Education Teacher. PSCAR students also receive work training for the rest of the day.

Workforce Development Center at River Terrace EC

Grade: C4 and up at the time of application

Graduation pathway: HSAC


WDC is for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities between the ages of 18 and 21. Students learn skills to help them become ready for a job. WDC offers training in:

  • Horticulture

  • Health services

  • Hospitality

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