DCPS Special Education Family Guide
Child Find:
Who Should I Contact if I Think My Child Needs Special Education Services?
The point of contact depends on the age of your child and where they attend school or childcare. 
Under Age 2 years 8 months

Where They Attend School
Location or where the child attends care is not relevant
Who to Contact
Contact the Strong Start DC Early Intervention Program at (202) 727-3665 or submit a referral online through https://eip.osse.dc.gov/.
Between 2 years 8 months and 5 years 10 months

Where They Attend School
Enrolled at or attending a DCPS school
Who to Contact
Contact your child’s teacher or Special Education Coordinator. The principal can provide the name of the special education point of contact in the building.
Contact information for DCPS schools can be found at profiles.dcps.dc.gov.

Enrolled at or attending a DC charter school
Contact your child’s school.
Contact information for charter schools can be found at dcpcsb.org/school-profiles

Attending a private, religious, or home-based daycare located in DC
A DC resident not yet enrolled in school
​Contact Early Stages at (202) 698-8037 or info@earlystages.org.
​​For more information about Early Stages or to submit an online referral please visit earlystagesdc.org.
Between 5 years 10 months and 21 years of age

Where They Attend School
Enrolled at or attending a DCPS school
Who to Contact
Contact your child’s teacher or Special Education Coordinator. The principal can provide the name of the special education point of contact in the building.
Contact information for DCPS schools can be found at profiles.dcps.dc.gov.

Enrolled at or attending a DC charter school
Contact your child’s teacher or Special Education Coordinator. The principal can provide the name of the special education point of contact in the building.
Contact information for charter schools can be found at dcpcsb.org/school-profiles

Attending a private or religious school located in DC
Attending a private or religious school located outside of DC (please note: the child must be a DC resident)
Registered as a home school student with the DC Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE)
Contact the DCPS Centralized IEP Support Unit at (202) 442-5475 or dcps.childfind@k12.dc.gov or visit https://dcps.dc.gov/page/centralized-iep-support-unit-referrals.
The Centralized IEP Support Unit will need the following information for the child:
Proof of enrollment at a private or religious school in DC (usually a letter from the school) or OSSE Homeschool authorization letter
DC residency verification (DC residents only, to be completed after other documents are received)
Additional suggested documents:
Attendance records
Report cards
Standardized test scores
Work samples
Prior evaluations (if applicable)
Please click here for more information regarding child find for private religious students.