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Eligibility Process

At a Glance

If your child is suspected of having a disability and a request for evaluation is made, the school team begins the process to decide if your child has a disability.  The goal of this process is to determine if your child has a disability and, because of that disability, the child requires special education and related services. DCPS must finish this process within 60 days after the guardian/parent gives permission for the evaluation.


30 days

60 days


A child is suspected of having a disability.

Child may receive tiered supports and intervention  throughout the process. 

A parent/guardian or someone familiar with the child makes a referral for special education services. 

The IEP team receives the referral, reviews existing student data, and decides whether the child requires additional evaluations.

30 days

The IEP team determines that evaluation is not required at this time and notifies parent or guardian in writing with an explanation.

School monitors support and progress.

The IEP team requests written consent from the parent to evaluate and conduct the evaluation. The evaluation will be specifically tailored to the child and may involve observations, interviews, student record review, and/or assessments. The IEP Team meets with parent to share findings.

60 days

The IEP team determines that the child does not have a qualifying disability or does not require special education services.

The child has a qualifying disability and requires special education services.

30 days

The IEP team creates the IEP.

 Parent or guardian provides signed consent for the child's initial provision of services.

School staff implements the IEP within a reasonable time.


The special education process starts once a person familiar with the child submits a written or verbal request for special education services or evaluation. 


 A copy of the parent procedural safeguards is provided to the parent.



After the school receives the referral, the IEP team meets to discuss the referral and analyze existing data, including any earlier assessments. The IEP team includes:

  • The parent/guardian.

  • The child (if appropriate).

  • Special education teachers.

  • General education teachers.

  • Related service providers.

  • Other key members of the school staff. 

  • Other individuals, at the discretion of the parent or the LEA, who have knowledge or special expertise regarding the child, including related services personnel, if appropriate



The IEP team determines if the student meets the specific criteria for one of the IDEA defined disabilities, and who because of that disability requires special education and related services. The IEP team may discuss the need for more assessments, and if necessary, reconvening for the eligibility determination meeting.  


Individual Education Program (IEP) Development 

If the child is eligible for special education services as a child with a disability, the IEP team identifies the student’s needs and creates an IEP.  The IEP is a document that outlines the present levels of performance, annual goals for the child, and the specialized instruction and related services necessary to meet those goals.  The IEP will indicate the setting such as general education or special education where these services should be delivered.  The IEP is the student’s placement. 


Annual Review 

IEPs must be updated at least once every year through the annual review process. 



Continued eligibility for special education must be decided at least once every three (3) years. This is also called “reevaluation” or “a triennial evaluation.”  



An IEP team determines  if your child no longer qualifies as a student with a disability and is  no longer eligible for special education and related services.   


The Parent’s Role in the IEP Process

As your child's parent/guardian, you play a vital role on the IEP team. Your school must give you any documents that will be used to develop an IEP or reviewed in an eligibility meeting at least five (5) business days before the meeting. This gives you time to review them and prepare for the meeting.     You will receive a copy of the IEP after the meeting. 


Location of Services (LOS)

A location of Services (LOS) is the school building where a student with a disability placed in a self-contained classroom will receive their IEP services. 

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