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Extended School Year (ESY) Services

Extended School Year (ESY) is a way to help students with disabilities keep learning even when school is not in session. ESY can help students with disabilities get the education they deserve and not forget what they learned. To qualify for ESY, a student needs to meet three requirements:


  1. The student has an important skill for their progress, and they might lose if they do not practice it.

  2. The student might lose a lot of their skill level if they do not practice it for a long time.

  3. If they lose it, the student might need a lot of time to get back to their skill level.


The IEP team decides if a student meets these requirements every year. They write it down in the IEP if the student qualifies for ESY. The IEP team should think about these requirements for every student every year.


If you have any questions, please contact us or visit us at

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